This interactive application simulates the orbit of two stars around each other, taking into account
to accurately model the orbit as well as the observable radial velocites and light curve of the binary star system as observed from Earth. Note: This code takes an approach for modelling binary stars outlined by Carroll and Ostlie in their TwoStars code, but it has been extensively optimized for the Python programming language.
Remember that the model shown on the left hand side of the two stars and their orbit is supposed to be just that, a model. It is not something we actually observe, but rather an explanation for what we observe. For example: We might observe a particular point of light in the sky varying in brightness in a regular manner. We try to explain why this point of light varies in brightness using a model that assumes it is due to two stars orbiting each other resulting in one star eclipsing the other. We may never have a telescope powerful enough to resolve that point of light into two stars, but we can explain its variation in brightness over time using the model.